If the idea of visiting your dentist conjures up images of a painful experience, you should consider Northridge Dentist. We offer patients with modern technological advances such as waterlase and ezlase dental procedures so that you can enjoy a relaxing treatment. The laser produces an intense beam of light that shapes or removes any tissue that gets into contact with the laser. Biolase can perform numerous dental procedures like periodontal disease treatment, cavity detention, and cosmetic dentistry. The dental procedure is almost painless, has a short recovery period, and improves your smile and gums' appearance.

Waterlase and Ezlase Overview

Dental technologies evolves every day, and dentists are increasingly using tools such as Biolase to take care of the teeth. Biolase is one of the leading innovators in dental laser and treats most dental diseases gently.

History of Waterlase and Ezlase

Wanting more precise and effective root canals, filling cavities, and solving other dental issues, physicians experimented with new techniques to assist with ease of dental procedures and patients' comfort. That goal gave birth to lasers, and in the 1960s, the ruby laser was established. With time, other wavelengths were innovated for soft and hard tissue applications. Although most experiments did not succeed, Biolase was one of those that bore fruits.

In 1988 Biolase discovered that when specific wavelengths are merged with water, they can cut teeth without damaging bones and other teeth. The company continued studying new methods of cutting soft tissues and teeth using dental lasers. The researchers also discovered that a crystal made of yttrium, chromium, and erbium used with a specific wavelength formed the best dental laser. That was the birth of waterlase technology. Waterlase technology did not use anesthesia, and the resulting distress was significantly lowered compared to using a traditional drill.

In 1990, clearance for the use of dental lasers for gums was received. Later in 1997,  using lasers for hard tissues to treat tooth decay was approved.

With continuous refinements and improvement, the laser has substantially lowered the need for anesthesia, stitches.  It has also reduced pain, discomfort, and bleeding after the procedure. Today, the procedure is also used for etching, hard tissue roughening, Class 1 to V caries removal.

Why You Should Use the Dental Treatment of Waterlase and Ezlase

Biolase dentistry is an effective and benefit-ridden technique. It is famous for being a comfortable, accurate, and effective method compared to traditional treatment procedures. Other benefits include:

  1. Almost Painless

Do you fear springes? Are you worried about the drill screeching in the ears, and who loves leaving their dentist's office with a puffy or droopy face? Waterlase dentistry takes care of all these dental concerns. It is a laser procedure that allows your dental expert to use little or no drills or anesthetic when performing most routine oral health procedures.

  1. Convenience

Even though you use fluoride, floss, and brush daily, you might develop cavities. Because of your commitments, you might not have the time to schedule another dental appointment. Biolase is gentle, and the dentist could complete most oral health needs in one visit.

  1. Natural Dentistry

The dental technique in question combines laser energy, water, and air for safe use on your mouth tissues. The teeth are partially made of water, and when the laser contacts your tooth, the molecules cut through your tooth. Because the laser continuously sprays out water, it keeps your tooth hydrated, prevents heat, and gives you an almost painless experience.

  1. It is Precise

Waterlase could be performed on adult and pediatric patients.

Also, one of its most incredible benefits is how detailed and precise the procedure is.

Traditional dental drills depend on removing vast amounts of your tooth to realize the desired outcome. The spinning of the drill and grinding can result in pain, microscopic cracks, and heat that can cause future infections under your filling.

On the contrary, Biolase removes only the precise amount of your tooth, without cracking or damaging the remaining teeth. And since it is precise, you might not require anesthesia.

  1. Offers Patients Comfort

Vibration, pressure, and heat are the leading causes of pain related to the conventional dental drill. Because cutting both soft and hard tissues with waterlase doesn't generate pressure, vibration, or heat, the procedure is performed with fewer shots, little or no anesthesia, few numb lips, and less drill use. It also reduces postoperative pain, swelling, bleeding, and the need for pain medication.

  1. Waterlase is Versatile

Waterlase could be used for numerous soft and hard tissue procedures such as:

  • Root canal
  • Tooth whitening
  • Cavity preparation
  • Gum and bone surgical procedures
  • Smile design
  • Decay removal
  1. Lowers the Risk of Cross-Contamination

If you've previously had food poisoning, you understand what cross-contamination is. It's coming across bacteria where you do not expect them. The risk of cross-contamination in a dental environment is real.

Waterlase can lower the risk since it works without contacting your tooth. Any experienced dentist should operate using disposable tips. Therefore, you do not have to worry about what could have been in another person's mouth.

Treatments That Use Laser Dentistry with the Waterlase and Ezlase

Laser dentistry could be used in hard tissue applications, such as removing tooth decay or tartar. Moreover, waterlase could be used on soft gum tissues during periodontal disease or contouring treatment. The treatments are varied and include general and cosmetic dentistry procedures.

The dentistry could be used for dental restorations like:

  • Cavity preparations
  • Hard tissue surface etching or roughening
  • Caries removal
  • Enameloplasty, excavations of fissures and pits for sealants placement

Your tooth enamel is one of the most rigid materials. That is why dentists always use tough tools such as high-speed drills when working on it. Biolase is a gentle method to prepare restoration.

Your dentist can also use the waterlase and ezlase technique to treat soft tissues in your mouth like gums to:

  • Improve your smile: Your dentist might recommend shaping or contouring your gums by improving your smile appearance. It is achieved by removing excess gum tissue that might give you a gummy smile or make your front teeth appear irregular in shape and size.
  • Get rid of oral growths: Waterlase can be used to remove excess tissue or growths in your mouth like gum tissues over unerupted teeth, fibromas, and papilla.
  • Prevent gum recession or fix your tongue tie: Waterlase and ezlase can fix connections that cause your gums to recede or limit your tongue's movement.
  • Relieve the pain caused by fever blisters and cold sores: The dentistry method in question offers immediate relief from painful fever blisters and cold sores.

How Waterlase and Ezlase Technology Treats Periodontal Disease

Also referred to as gum disease, periodontal disease is an infection of the bone and tissues that hold your teeth. It is caused by:

  • Medication
  • Smoking
  • Chronic diseases like diabetes
  • Genetic susceptibility
  • Poor dental health

The bacteria and debris between your gums and teeth can result in gum recession, loss of teeth, or bleeding.

Generally, gum disease is treated using scaling and root planing. It's a nonsurgical method that involves cleaning your teeth and root surfaces exposed due to gum recession.

Waterlase and ezlase is a tissue-preserving, bone-building, and regenerative procedure. Your dentists will use the laser to access infected pockets to kill bacteria and infected tissues. After the infected tissues are removed and your root exposed, the calculus is removed using an ultrasonic root cleaner. Finally, laser energy is used to warm the stem cell, which has blood in the pocket, creating a tissue seal against your tooth root.

The dental treatment makes sure gum tissues are not reduced. Additionally, it stimulates stem cells in your tissues and forms new connective collagen, bone, and tissues. Then your body recovery process regenerates your lost bone and ligaments around your tooth.

Teeth Whitening with Waterlase and Ezlase

The quest for whiter teeth is common. With the high demand comes widespread supply, and there are numerous processes and products. However, most cannot realize the impact and results of a dental office whitening.

Biolaser laser teeth whitening system is a two-part system. It uses a chemical gel (Opalescence Boost gel) of forty percent hydrogen peroxide, which is chemically activated using a double syringe to apply a fresh whitener. Opalescence Boost gel has potassium nitrate and fluoride. It boosts your teeth's strength. The gel stays in place to produce the best bleaching effect without harming your gums. Moreover, it permits the treatment of one tooth.

The dental procedure begins with an insertion of a small blocking dam that keeps the whitener from spilling from the teeth and then a resin barrier that protects the gums. The teeth to be whitened are covered with the gel and then activated with the laser.

You can enjoy up to twelve shades whiter teeth in forty minutes.

If you feel the first session did not meet your goals, you can return for more whitening after three to five days.

Laser Technology Treats Tooth Sensitivity

Having sensitive teeth could discourage you from eating and might even be painful. A person experiences teeth sensitivity when the dentin becomes exposed. It has nerve endings that cause you to feel pain and experience discomfort when taking hot or cold drinks or foods. Generally, it is caused by:

  • Grinding your teeth
  • Brushing too hard
  • Receding gums
  • Gingivitis

Waterlase dental procedure eliminates the sensitivity by sealing the tubules on your tooth's root.

Waterlase Can be Used to Eliminate Tooth Cavities

When your dentist examines your teeth, they look for issues like tooth cavities that might be occurring in your mouth. A cavity should be fixed immediately because the problem won't go away. The cavity is your tooth's part that has decayed. If not treated, tooth decay will continue and can result in tooth loss.

Your dentist can use laser technology to remove the decayed tooth area without damaging your surrounding teeth. Then the dentist will close your hole using a filling. The filling material is soft and can easily fit in the hole. Nevertheless, your dentist will use a light to harden the filling after it is put into place.

After the filing material is hard and nice within your cavity, the dentist will use a sanding tool to remove extra filling material, leaving the area smooth and tidy. Finally, a cap will be put over your tooth to ensure your dental fillings stay in place.

Is Waterlase and Ezlase Dental Procedure Safe?

Developed by Biolase, the dentistry technique has been used to treat millions of patients.

It creates a highly concentrated light energy and sends it through an optical fiber to the handpiece. The dentist will use the handpiece to send the laser energy to the specific area to be treated. Sometimes laser systems can combine laser energy with a spray of water.

The dentistry was designed to treat soft tissues like gums and repair damaged and decayed teeth in your mouth comfortably and safely.

Please note, the laser can be harmful to your eyes. Therefore, you should wear protective glasses whenever the laser is being used.

What to Do Before the Waterlase and Ezlase

The instructions below could be instrumental when preparing for the dental procedure. Don't hesitate to contact your dentist if you have any questions or concerns.

Your dentist can give medication for the procedure. Please speak to the dentist should the drug cause you any sensitivity or allergies. Also, do not take the medication on an empty stomach; it can result in nausea. If you are on contraceptives, the antibiotics might interfere with their effectiveness.

If you aren't sedated, you can eat before the dentist's visit. If you're sedated, don't drink or eat anything for six hours before the dental appointment.

Also, dress comfortably for the dental appointment.

How to Maintain Your Dental Health Following a Waterlase and Ezlase Treatment

So, you have just undergone a waterlase and ezlase treatment and are satisfied with your beautiful, healthy smile. It could be devastating if anything happens to your smile. For instance, your teeth could get dull with time. Fortunately, there are numerous post-op instructions you can follow.

Using a Straw

Avoid drinking tea, coffee, and other beverages for a few weeks after getting your teeth whitened. Following the dental procedure, your teeth are sensitive. It is because the pores are open and will not close for a while. Caffeine and soda have coloring and sugars that could break down your enamel, discoloring the teeth.

Using a straw prevents the beverage from getting into contact with the teeth. To achieve the best possible outcome, keep your straw halfway in the mouth.

Ensure You Use Whitening Toothpaste Weeks Following the Dental Procedure

Although a whitening toothpaste could keep the teeth white, it can do porous teeth post-treatment. It is because its ingredients are abrasive and could dissolve stains with ease. However, if the toothpaste gets into contact with your porous teeth, it might cause more harm.

Therefore, it is advisable to use the toothpaste weeks following the procedure. Also, make sure your dentist checks your teeth before using the toothpaste.

Be Watchful of Your Diet

Make sure you eat a liquid-like diet for the first three (3) days after the procedure. Any food that can be put into a blender to drink is ideal. The aim of doing this is protecting the clot, which serves as a barrier between your teeth and gums.

As previously noted, do not use a straw until weeks after the procedure. Using a straw created a vacuum in the mouth that could disturb your clot.

Soft and mushy foods are permitted between the fourth to tenth following the laser treatment. These foods include:

  • Oatmeal, wheat creams
  • Baked potatoes with sour cream or mashed potatoes
  • Blended fruits, applesauce, mashed avocado, mashed banana
  • Mashed steamed potatoes
  • Creamed soup
  • Cream, cottage cheese, or soft cheese
  • Eggs
  • Creamy peanut butter with solid pieces
  • Smoothies
  • Milkshake
  • Yogurt

You can then gradually go back to your normal diet preferences.

Please note even after ten days, recovery isn't complete. It is advisable to continue making good food choices during the first month after the treatment.

Avoid chewing gums, cookies, nuts, chips, candy, food with hard pieces or seeds, crunchy and hard foods, raw vegetables, meat, and anything that can lodge between your teeth and under the gums.

Also, cautiously avoid chewing in the mouth sites where the dental laser has been used for at least a week.

Brush Your Teeth After Each Meal

If you brush your teeth twice daily, that has to change at least until your teeth recover. Make sure you brush after every meal and even after eating snacks in the middle of meals. Keep your toothbrush with you always.

Brushing removes all food particles before they stick to the gums and teeth and damage the sensitive enamel.

Other post-operative instructions include:

  • Avoid applying excessive cheek or tongue pressure onto the surgical site.
  • It is okay to spit, rinse, and wash your mouth after the waterlase treatment. You can rinse with Periogard or Peridex in the morning and during the night. In between, rinse gently with warm salty water every three hours.
  • Take all prescribed medications according to your dentist's instructions. Also, make sure you complete your dose.

What is the Cost of Waterlase and Ezlase Dental Treatment?

The total cost of waterlase and ezlase treatment depends on the degree of your needs, and the dentist will not commit to a price until they examine you. It might be more cost-friendly than conventional surgery because it needs less medication and fewer dental visits.

As far as insurance is concerned, your insurance provider will reimburse you for the dental treatment you receive, irrespective of the kind of device used. That means whether your dentist uses a laser or a traditional method, the compensation is likely to be the same. Therefore, it is advisable to confirm with your insurer before undergoing the procedure. That way, you will know what is covered in the policy. 

What is the Difference Between Biolase Laser and LANAP?

The laser-assisted new attachment procedure (LANAP) and Biolase are some of the lasers that dominate the dental healthcare field. While dentists might realize successful outcomes with either, there are huge differences between them, making one option more advantageous than the other, hinging on the dental expert and the patient.

One of the differences is the kind of wavelength that every laser emits. While LANAP uses a YAG (yttrium-aluminum-garnet) laser, the Biolase uses a combination of deionized water and Erbium Chromium YSGG (Yttrium Scandium Gallium Garnet). Laser means light amplified by stimulated emission of radiation. What people do not know is that the difference in treatment plans is in the laser's wavelength.

Waterlase and ezlase procedure absorbs most of the surfaces around and in your mouth and could be used for soft and hard tissues. The technology could be used to treat periodontal disease and incise bone with less bleeding, discomfort, and pain.

Another advantage of Biolase laser is that it modifies your root surface to promote connective tissue cell attachment. As a result, this encourages the growth of fibers and collagen. Also, the dental laser has a bactericidal effect (an agent that kills bacterial growth). Moreover, the use of the laser on your bone encourages bone growth since it causes the secretion of regulatory proteins and growth factors.

On the contrary, the short LANAP wavelength restricts the use of the LANAP to your soft tissues. It uses a laser beam to kill bacteria and get rid of ailing tissues. The recovery time is quick, and no cutting is needed. Although it sterilizes the tooth area and puts the site in a stable condition, the laser doesn't get rid of calculus in hard-to-reach areas. In other words, it does not eradicate etiology. Finally, it can result in thermal damage to your bone and root surface.

Find an Experienced Dentist Near Me

Waterlase and ezlase dentistry has superseded most conventional dental practices, making treatment more precise. It uses intense beams of light projected by a laser. It offers patients a noiseless, painless, drillless and vibrationless experience. It is also comfortable because it is blood-free, suture-free, and anesthesia-free. Anesthesia-free combined with precision means reduced time in your dentist's office. Want a better experience at your dentist's office? Call Northridge Dentist at 818-875-0216 to schedule an appointment.

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